Gator Roll

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"Gator Roll" is an instrumental song loosely telling the story of a gator turning the tables on the hunters. The gator roll refers to how alligators subdue their prey by spinning it around underwater. After performing at more than one alligator hunt, the story took shape over a few years.

The music itself is a transplant's take on traditional Cajun music. It has three parts. The central theme is a "2-beat" with an extra two beats. Imagine the gator is swimming about, enjoying the Louisiana sun. The second part portrays the hunters in pursuit of them on their pirogue. The final sequence is the gator getting the hunter with the gator roll. The song ends with the triumphant gator enjoying the Louisiana sun.

The musicians chosen for this project were not even a choice. Without Amanda Shaw and Mike Barras, I wouldn't even know what Cajun music is. Between them and Bill Richards (bass), the song came together in just half a day in the studio.

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